Sort Tillægsplade - PLAYdinner Round
Sort tillægsplade til PLAYdinner Round
Designet af Henrik Bruun og Jacob Munch
Tillægsplade i sort MDF
For dem, der ønsker at forbedre deres spiseplads til særlige sammenkomster uden forpligtelsen til massivt træ, tilbyder vores tillægsplade en raffineret løsning. Fremstillet af lakeret sort MDF og afgrænset med FSC-certificeret massivt træ, komplementerer disse plader på harmonisk vis din bordramme samtidig med at bevare et stilrent design. Hvert stykke i vores kollektion er et vidnesbyrd om dansk håndværk, omhyggeligt håndlavet i Danmark.
PLAYdinner Runde bord er det ultimative valg for dem, der søger et rundt spisebord. Dets design er ikke kun ideelt til at fastholde større rum med sin tilstedeværelse, men også til at optimere pladsen i mere intime indstillinger. Som en inkarnation af både komfort og samvær fremmer det runde bord en unik fællesskabsatmosfære, der inviterer alle, der samles omkring det. Vores danske håndværkere sikrer, at hvert bord fremviser elegancen af uafbrudte massivt træstave, omhyggeligt udvalgt for at præsentere en bordplade, der er både æstetisk tiltalende og rig på detaljer.
Designet med henblik på tidløs elegance, forener vores udtræksbord funktionalitet med finesse. Dets evne til problemfrit at integrere op til to tillægsplader er et kendetegn for dets opfindsomhed, med samlinger så præcist konstrueret, at de næsten forsvinder. Denne design detalje, kombineret med det vedvarende appel af massivt træ, gør dette bord i stand til at komplementere et bredt udvalg af klassiske sidde muligheder.
Valgt for sin robusthed og dens evne til at tilføre rum med en organisk varme, forbedrer massivt træ ikke kun bordets holdbarhed, men også beriger den sensoriske oplevelse af din indretning.
Dette alsidige bord tilpasser sig let til dine behov, ubesværet udvidende fra 120 cm til 170 cm, og i sidste ende til 220 cm, komfortabelt med plads til op til 10 gæster. Dets tilpasningsevne gør det til et ideelt valg for spisning derhjemme, eller for professionelle indstillinger såsom restauranter, caféer eller som et stateligt mødebord i designbevidste virksomheder.
Ansvarligt produceret
Bæredygtighed er central for os. Derfor produceres vores borde i Danmark af FSC-certificeret egetræ og valnød, hvilket sikrer en bæredygtig fremtid for møbler. Med flatpack emballage reduceres også CO2-udslip under transport, og materialerne er ligeledes FSC-certificeret.
Daglig rengøring
Daglig rengøring udføres let med en godt opvredet klud i rent vand.
Brug ikke kemikalier, rengøringsmidler, skuresvampe, ståluld eller lignende, da disse kan misfarve eller beskadige overfladen.
Grundlæggende mål
Længde: 50 cm
Bredde: 120 cm

PLAYdinner Round, Extendable Round Dining Table in Solid Wood
The PLAYdinner Round is an extendable, round dining table, ideal for both large and small spaces due to its cozy and sociable shape. Handmade in Denmark with continuous, solid wooden slats featuring fine grain patterns, this table combines functionality with aesthetic appeal. Its precise joinery makes the extensions nearly invisible, enhancing the table's classic and timeless design. It is made from durable solid wood, adding natural warmth to any decor. The table extends from 120 cm to up to 220 cm, seating 8 to 10 people, and is suitable for homes, restaurants, cafes, or as a meeting table in design-conscious companies.

Bruunmunch Care series
Produced in Denmark
FSC® certified wood
Easy to maintain
Close joints

When you purchase from our store, you automatically join Mybruunmunch, gaining access to personalized maintenance tips and a 5-year warranty on all online purchases. This membership underscores our commitment to quality and enduring value. We eagerly await your welcome.

Designed to pair with modern classic dining chairs
Our dining tables are elegant classics crafted from the finest quality solid wood, meticulously handmade by skilled carpenters here in Denmark. The design is timeless and blends beautifully with many other design classics on the market.

Free wood samples, we offer up to 5 samples for free. If you wish to see, smell and touch the wood before you choose what type you wish for your new table.
View allSolid Wood
We have chosen solid wood for the production of all our tables, as it adds warmth and coziness to your decor. Solid wood possesses a natural beauty and durability that gives your furniture character and timeless elegance. One of the advantages of solid wood is that it can always be sanded and maintained, so your product looks like new, even if it were to sustain damage. With our Bruunmunch care set, you can easily maintain the wood's natural shine and protect it from daily wear and tear, allowing you to enjoy your furniture for many years to come
Wood Care
We have designed this care series to ensure that our customers can confidently use the correct oil for their Bruunmunch furniture.
The Care-set contains
- 250ml Oil
- 180 & 220 grit sanding pad
- Sponge used for applying oil
- 2 pcs. Lint cloth used for wiping off excess oil

The gathering place where family and friends meet and share the most important moments throughout life.

Handmade in Denmark
Our furniture is made by skilled craftsmen who use their skills and know-how to create high-quality bruunmunch furniture. In our own assembly workshop, we ensure that the quality always meets bruunmunch standards, as only the best is good enough for our customers.

At Bruunmunch our solid wood tables are FSC®-certified, to ensure sustainable forestry. Wood plays a large role in many of our designs, consequently our choice of wood comes with a responsibility. We only use wood from sustainable forests. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a global labelling scheme for wood that aims to protect nature, as well as the people who work in and depend on it.

Design duo
Henrik Bruun and Jacob Munchs pursuit for perfection was failing to be met when it came to furniture so they decided to make their own, and form a company with an uncompromising approach to design and quality. Bruunmunch has developed dramatically from the early days. But the processes within production has not changed since the first piece of furniture was created by the two owners from Esbjerg.