PLAYround Ø90 Eiche und Laminat
PLAY round Couchtisch, Beistelltisch, Nachttisch
Entworfen von: Henrik Bruun und Jacob Munch
Die PLAY Couchtische von Bruunmunch sind eine multifunktionale Couchtischserie aus dänischer Produktion, die für den nordischen Wohnbereich entworfen wurde. Die Tische bieten eine Reihe von verschiedenen Formen, Größen, Höhen und Holzarten, sodass Sie den perfekten Tisch für Ihre Einrichtung finden können.
Die vielseitige Tischserie kann als Beistelltisch oder Lampentisch verwendet werden, der sich gut für den Sessel oder das Sofa eignet, oder als Nachttisch im Schlafzimmer neben dem Bett. Die Tische eignen sich hervorragend als Couchtische, wobei die vielen Varianten es ermöglichen, den Couchtisch zu wählen, der am besten zu Ihrer Einrichtung passt, sei es für ein großes Modulsofa oder für eine klassischere Einrichtung mit einem 2- oder 3-Sitzer-Sofa. Da die Tische in 4 verschiedenen Höhen erhältlich sind, eignen sie sich auch gut als Beistelltische. Die vielen Möglichkeiten der PLAY-Serie sind ein Traum für jeden Innenarchitekten. Das Design hat einen zeitlosen und eleganten Ausdruck, der sich in jede Einrichtung einfügt. Egal, ob Sie einen oder mehrere Tische für Ihr Zuhause, für ein Geschäft oder eine Hotelausstattung suchen, in unserer Couchtischserie PLAY finden Sie den perfekten Tisch.
Die PLAY Couchtische werden in einer Möbelfabrik in Dänemark aus FSC-zertifizierter Eiche und Nussbaum hergestellt. So können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie in ein nachhaltiges Möbelstück investieren.
Die PLAY Couchtische werden flach verpackt, um beim Transport CO2-Emissionen zu sparen. Die Verpackung besteht natürlich auch aus FSC-zertifiziertem Papier.
Solid Wood
Being a natural material, each wooden piece of furniture is inherently unique. Over time, wood undergoes a transformative process, its colors and textures evolve, bestowing the furniture with a beautiful patina. Grain patterns, knots, and color variations are all natural hallmarks of wood.
Daily Maintenance
Daily cleaning is easily done with a well-wrung cloth in clean water. Do not use chemicals, detergents, scouring pads, steel wool or similar, as these will discolour or damage the surface.
Clean laminate with a well-wrung cloth in clean water, use laminate cleaner for resistant stains.
It is important that you regularly maintain the oiled treated legs. We recommend that you treat the wood 1-2 times a year or according to need.
Contact your retailer for care products or find them online at www.bruunmunch.com where you can also find a full treatment guide for solid wood.
Basic Measurements
Diameter: 90 cm
Height: 32 / 38 / 44 / 50 cm

Handmade in Denmark
Our furniture is made by skilled craftsmen who use their skills and know-how to create high-quality bruunmunch furniture. In our own assembly workshop, we ensure that the quality always meets bruunmunch standards, as only the best is good enough for our customers.

At Bruunmunch our solid wood tables are FSC®-certified, to ensure sustainable forestry. Wood plays a large role in many of our designs, consequently our choice of wood comes with a responsibility. We only use wood from sustainable forests. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a global labelling scheme for wood that aims to protect nature, as well as the people who work in and depend on it. With FSC you are assured that no more wood is felled than the forest can reproduce. At the same time the forest workers have access to training, safety equipment and a proper salary. In addition, the FSC is the only global labelling scheme that has broad support from green organizations such as WWF, Greenpeace and Forests of the World. You can reed more about our other sustainable choices here.

Their pursuit for perfection was failing to be met when it came to furniture so they decided to make their own, and form a company with an uncompromising approach to design and quality.Bruunmunch has developed dramatically from the early days. But the processes within production has not changed since the first piece of furniture was created by the two owners from Esbjerg.
Handmade in Denmark
Our furniture is made by skilled craftsmen who use their skills and know-how to create high-quality bruunmunch furniture. In our own assembly workshop, we ensure that the quality always meets bruunmunch standards, as only the best is good enough for our customers.
At Bruunmunch our solid wood tables are FSC®-certified, to ensure sustainable forestry. Wood plays a large role in many of our designs, consequently our choice of wood comes with a responsibility. We only use wood from sustainable forests. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a global labelling scheme for wood that aims to protect nature, as well as the people who work in and depend on it. With FSC you are assured that no more wood is felled than the forest can reproduce. At the same time the forest workers have access to training, safety equipment and a proper salary. In addition, the FSC is the only global labelling scheme that has broad support from green organizations such as WWF, Greenpeace and Forests of the World. You can reed more about our other sustainable choices here.
Their pursuit for perfection was failing to be met when it came to furniture so they decided to make their own, and form a company with an uncompromising approach to design and quality.Bruunmunch has developed dramatically from the early days. But the processes within production has not changed since the first piece of furniture was created by the two owners from Esbjerg.